Richard was either sad or still asleep:
Louise was annoyed that I was taking her picture:
Bernie was Bernie:
and Paula was performing mime, likely a portrayal of the various ways she plans to kill me if I ever post this picture on the blog.
I, of course, was much too photogenic to even bother with taking a picture of myself. It's a curse.
Under the tent we went for bargains and I was seconds away from snagging a used Werner Kalliste paddle, but a man (whose real is unknown but will be forever referred to as "Some Bastard") got to it seconds before I did.
Richard gave a good grope to the new Tahe Marine Greenland boat that's getting rave reviews. We both agreed that it's a fine looking looking boat and that after radical hip reduction surgery and maybe a leg amputation, we might actually be able to get inside one of them.
We escaped mostly intact. Louise picked up an Icebreaker top. Richard picked up a pair of gloves to replace a pair he lost surfing, but there were rumours that he was going back in to buy more clothes. Paula chatted up the folks from Wavelength Magazine and Bernie went next door to have a coffee. The one-piece fleece I had been watching for the last couple of weeks that I had wanted to pick up for under my drysuit wasn't there today. Some Bastard must have grabbed it.
Now to start saving pennies for next spring's sale!
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