And I've got a contract to write six short books on sports before August. So if in the new year, you see me surfing, skateboarding, rock climbing, snowboarding, inline skating, or kayaking (of course) you know I'm doing research.
Now I'm on DNTO again... this time talking about the best thing my sibling ever did for me. Their theory was that too many of us dwell on the worst thing our sibs ever did to us. Guess they didn't expect me to say that the best thing my brother ever did was tie me up with a rope. Twice.
No, wait, it wasn't for anything bad. He was making a film.
No, wait, that sounds worse. But it was an amateur science fiction film, and it was a lot of fun to be one of the gang of friends that made Dawn of the Living Socks. The film was only ever circulated at an SF convention, and among friends. But if people really wanted to see it, they could post a comment here and we'd find a way to send them a DVD copy at cost.
I absolutely want to see Dawn of the Living Socks. ☺