We ventured out to Brentwood Bay to do some splashing.
After our trip to Paddlefest a couple of weeks ago and the recent opening of MEC in town, many of us are outfitted with new stuff. Here Louise models the latest in kayaking attire.

Bernie headed out quickly but the ferry cut him off.

Paula was eager to go paddling, too.

I, of course, remained calm and dignified.

We decided to head out to what we call "15 Minute Island." In our previous visits here we've often considered crossing to it. In an earlier paddle from Coles Bay, we approached it from the north. Bernie said we could make it to the island. "It's only 15 minutes away!" After a further half-hour of paddling, it was still 15 minutes away. But today, we decided it was time for this island to enjoy its 15 minutes of fame.

15 minutes later....

Finally, we get close.

Bernie gets really close.

We decided to go around the island to see what we could see.

The first thing we saw were some birds: a heron and a pair of turkey vultures.

We continued forward and around the first point...

...where we found a seal lazing on the rocks.

We carried on around.

On the northern shore, we found lots of sea life in the water: fish, crabs, sea stars, jelly fish, and rhinos. Well, just one rhino. A small one. With a little horn. Okay, okay, there was no rhino.

There were lots of geese around, and most of the geese were very loud today. They were really honking us off! This one just would not shut up!

Here are some sea stars along with some things that Paula called "jelly goobies." We don't believe that that is the correct technical term.

Bernie finally made landfall. He went ashore and proudly uttered the traditional phrase that generations of kayakers have said when making landfall on a new shore for the first time: "I claim this planet in the name of Mars!"

We heard a loud splash behind. I thought, "Oh, I guess Bernie's fallen out of his boat again. That seems normal." But it wasn't Bernie. We were being followed around the island by a pair of seals. Here's one of them.

Bernie found a new way to sit in his boat.

Time to head back! A great day paddling!

My pictures are here.
cool Starfish :)