When they arrived, I had both my inflatable and the Mini-Tripper waiting on the lawn, with all the gear needed. While the dog ran around and renewed its acquaintance with the landlady's dog, the boys carried the green boat to shore behind me. Cadboro Bay was calm and bright and summer-warm.
It's good to see people in the Mini-Tripper who are the right size for it! This is definitely a boat for a kid. At eleven and nine, these boys are the right size. Since we won this boat in a raffle at the Paddlefest two years ago, it's been nice to have around for kids to take out in quiet conditions.
We noodled along the shore for about half an hour, while the dogs splashed in the shallows and Bernie & Darren solved a few of the world's problems. Good times. Next time, we'll bring more boats to the shore, so both boys can paddle at the same time as their dad and me.
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