And here's the first picture taken with my new GoPro 3 that I got for my birthday present. Thanks everyone for chipping in to help me get it. (You know who you are.)

Actually, it wasn't the first picture taken with the GoPro. Indy was very curious it about when I first turned it on. The first picture is really this one:

Anyway, we put in and with the current approaching a low tide slack...

...we took a little spin on the normally fast-running waters under the Tillicum Bridge. Here we saw a seal head popping up now and then as it hunted for a fishy breakfast.

It can sometimes be total unpassable here as the inlet narrows, bottling up the water when the tide changes, creating thrashing white water and standing waves.
Heading back, we saw a heron taking advantage of all the fish being scared under the bridge by the seal. He wasn't going hungry.

We paddled across to check out what we call The Iron Man, a large sculpture on a dock. We were pleased to see that repairs had made to its wings that received some damage over the winter. We also spotted something else you don't see everyday....

... a heron with a mohawk.

He flew off and landed ahead of us and did some fishing, losing his hairdo as the water slicked her feathers back.

Further up The Gorge, we paddled by a gaggle of geese, including a few babies.

I've seen this movie! It's Jurassic Park!

A pair of swans is nesting nearby and daddy swan decided that the geese were a little to close to the nest. Obviously taking lessons from a cat, he made himself look big...

...and gave a goose...well, he gave the goose a goose. Mom swan appeared to be nesting nearby on the shore but there were no signs of any baby swans.

We approached Craigflower Bridge. Or what's left of it. Although many pilings remain, most of the roadbed is gone as the bridge is demolished to make way for a replacement.

The last remnants of the roadbed are behind Louise.

Two temporary crossing have been built while the bridge is being replaced: a temporary footbridge for pedestrians and a construction bridge. The project is expected to be finished by the end of the year.

We visited another pair of nesting swans. And this time we saw some babies.

Oh, they're so cute! Squee!
I snapped some pictures, and then we headed back...

...stopping only to admire the baby geese again.

Trip length: 6.20 km
YTD: 24.42 km
More pictures are here.

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