And it was. A large group headed out from the kayak place, and we met a couple from Sooke who were avid kayakers. They were heading out in a pair of 14' Neckys that Bernie would have died for. :)
First, we went past this wreck on the beach.

Clearly, its cargo of concrete blocks was too much for it.

There's also a nearby abandoned ship that looks to be an old Canadian naval vessel.

Be careful if you venture out to visit this vessel -- there's all sorts of metal and other stuff in the water here.

It was just the three of us today - Louise, Paula and myself.

We went east along the coast towards Roche Cove. We launched just at low tide, so there were lots of starfish on the rocks.

Another boat in trouble!

Louise dreams about winning the lottery.

Lots of green stuff on the rocks.

What a beautiful day. Flat water, sunny but not blazing, a little cloud, just perfect.

We rounded the point and headed to Roche Cove. That's when the fun began.

We headed for the bridge. There can be quite a current under the bridge and in not our brightest idea of the day, we decided to go under.

Paula got through okay, but Louise ran into trouble and got herself pinned by the current against the bridge. It was hair-raising for a moment, but Louise got herself out and through without going over. It was also a tough battle to get back out of the cove. So here's a warning: proceed into Roche Cove with caution!

After coming out of the cove, the wind had come up and the chop with it.
Here's a lesson: our little adventure in Roche Cove took only ten minutes, yet the weather conditions back in the basin were quite different when we returned.

Finally, a ship that's not abandoned!

We crossed to this small island.

Time to head back. We crossed the Sooke Basin. It got choppier and the wind was blowing against us.

We were eventually able to get our backs to the wind, and that made the last part of the crossing easier. Also, it seemed that the wind died off just as we finished. Figures.

And yes, there were geese.

No eagles in trees today, just a seagull on a post to end our trip.

My pictures are here.
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