A beautiful sunny morning greeted us as we rolled the kayaks down the hill, and it was only going to get better. Forecast to be the hottest day of the year so far, it's also Canada Day. So Happy 147th Birthday to us!
Every Canada Day, Gorge Road is closed for a mile-long block party. It starts with a parade.

Ace Mascot, the mascot of the local Saanich police came by and surprisingly did not try to arrest me, but gave me a high-five before joining the parade.

Paula joined Louise and I for our quick little jaunt up the Gorge.

And we're off!

We weren't expecting to see much wildlife today, and we didn't. With all the hustle and bustle, we've come to expect that the wildlife in the area will go into hiding on Canada Day. But we did see a couple of swans enjoying the holiday.

As we paddled down the Gorge...

...we passed the beginning of the parade. Ace was still having a good time.

After flying the flag...

...it was time to join the street party.

We checked out the classic chairs...

...and the artisan booths.

And we checked out the road hockey tournament. After all, what's more Canadian than hockey in July?

Trip length: 3.81 km
YTD: 29.89 km
More pictures are here.

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