Where I go on days like this is to the special places that matter. This weekend we went to Goldstream Park, to see the river and the great trees.
The cleanup is progressing, since 40,000 litres of gasoline and some diesel fuel also went into the river after a tanker truck crashed in the park. The scent of fuel hung in the air in the river valley. Bernie pointed out the floating booms on the river, which absorb hydrocarbons but do not absorb water.

One unexpected and positive outcome was the sighting of a cougar in the park, right at the Freeman King Nature Centre, on April 21. The great cat walked across the gravel path and grass in front of the building, shown here in a photo from the Goldstream Park website. There are other websites that describe the park. You can look at the cougar on a short video shown on the CBC.ca website.
Apparently, the park is usually so busy that cougars shy away from the noise and bustle of humans. But with the last few days being so quiet, because first the highway was closed, then the park was closed, on Thursday morning a cougar casually trotted past the Nature Centre.
To see a cougar would have been cool. We do not have cougars in Sweden. I spent my Easter in a kayak on the Swedish West coast. Lovely paddling!