Paula's kayak fits into a bag and she is able to take it with her on any bus or throw it into the back of the car. A bit easier when a vehicle isn't available to carry her Eliza.

Fully inflated Paula's kayak is launched and she joins us for the trip down the Gorge on a lovely Friday night in Victoria BC. Is there a better way to spend a Friday night...well not unless you are relaxing on a patio or BBQing and have a couple cool ciders.

John is our major photographer as most visitors and followers of this site know. Whenever I try to capture him in his kayak it is often when he is not paddling.

As we paddled down the Gorge the sun starting to set, touching water and sky with incredile light and making for photo opportunities. Paula without a camera just floated and enjoyed her surroundings...ahhh..what an evening.

These are only a few, I had so many more with this incredible light. But it was time to keep paddling and eventually we would lose the light. It really was a magical evening, with the sunsetting if you faced one way...

and the moon rising if you faced the other.

Rich was going to paddle around Portage Inlet as we really did want the paddle to be an official night paddle. So we headed around the inlet and as we passed by houses and docks we got these strange puffs of warm air followed by really cool air. And before the light completely disappeared and before my camera failed, I was able to capture a photo of John paddling his kayak.

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