With a 21 honk salute, we were off.

Ahead is Albert Head.

Paula and Alan take the lead...

...then Alison rounds the point...

...while Louise has caught up to Paula.

That's an encouraging sign.

Around the point we got into some open water with some small but gentle swells.

We arrive at Witty's Lagoon.

Unfortunately the tide is heading out and we couldn't go very far up the river...

...so we put ashore...

...and had some food.

There were a few herons today, but they were a little camera-shy.

After lunch, we headed back, but we went through the rocks along the shore. There were seals everywhere.

But alas, soon it was time to move on.

Mt. Baker rises behind Victoria.

We head back around Albert Head.

We were only out for three hours (including lunch!), but it felt like all day. We all felt that this had been one of our best paddles ever. We explored a great new area, and had an amazing time! We will come back here!

My pictures are here.
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